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Module 38 - Skills for a Residential Experience (Nights Away Permit)


To enable adults to acquire the appropriate skills to plan and run successful residential experiences for the young people in their section.


As you’re all aware with the growing number of leaders requiring Mod 38 courses these fill up very quickly once they go ‘live’ on the booking page. The following paragraph, and in particular the first sentence, from HQ on M38 permit requirements, means we may have come up with a workable solution. This will, hopefully enable us to continue to deliver the full weekend, online theory course followed by a one day practical and/or validation for those with experience. 


There are no prerequisites to gaining a permit, so there is no requirement to have attended a module 16 (Introduction to Residential Experiences) or module 38 (Skills for Residential Experiences) course.  Indeed the Nights Away Permit Scheme is different to these modules, so there is no requirement to gain a nights away permit to finish your Wood Badge training, and validating modules 16 and 38 does not automatically grant you a nights away permit. However gaining a permit is one way of validating modules 16 and 38, and it is the best way to gain the skills and knowledge needed for a nights away permit where training is required.


It is not our intention to remove all training, especially from those who do require it but we feel that there are a large number of leaders in the County who have many years of planning, assisting and running camps and these are the individuals who we feel that L.O.V.E. (Learning Optional Validation Essential) applies. Below are suggestions on how we can make this work and reduce the number of those requiring the full M38 course. 


  • A) All leaders who have been involved in the organising, running and attended numerous camps over a period of time should liaise with their respective NAA (Nights Away Advisor) who can implement L.O.V.E. and work to validate a M38 permit. 

  • B) All leaders who have completed a Module 16 (and is validated on Compass), and have been involved in organising, running and attending camps, should liaise with their respective NAA who can implement L.O.V.E. and work to validate a M38 permit. 

  • C) All leaders who have completed a M16 (and is validated on Compass) but have not been involved in organising, running or attending camps, should attend a M38 One Day Practical course. They will then liaise with their respective NAA who will work with them to obtain their M38 Permit. 

  • D) All leaders new to Scouting who have not completed a M16 or have no experience of organising, running or attending camps should complete the full M38 course.


For those requiring the full M38 course we are also looking at different learning options: 

  1. Full weekend course. 

  2. Theory part of M38 online and then the one day practical. 

We would recommend learners speak with their GSLs and NAAs to see which learning/validation method meets their requirements. 


Both Parts 1 and 2 must be completed, dates for Module 38 Practical to follow.


Friday 15th - Sunday 17th September - Well End



Contact Us

County Office, Well End 

Activity Centre, Borehamwood,

Herts, WD6 5PR

0208 236 0040

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Hertfordshire County Scout Council registered charity in England and Wales: 302606 Scotland: 039650


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